Cool website of ME, Julius Caesar, Ruler of Rome*

y'all are silly for thinking I had more power than necessary. Who couldn't use a bit of reckless and greedy decisions in their lives?

*This site is an archive of the website of Julius Caesar, brought to you by the Committee of 300. Fortunately for us, Julius no longer has power over Rome. Ḃ̴̠̹͕̝̞̘͖̖̣́̈́̌̑̀̃̈́̒̆̒̽̀̔̂̑͊͌̅̀͘̕͝Ų̵̨̢̧̡̢̢̢̧̧̟͇̘̰̝̫̝͚̮̠̞̣̯̙̹͇̟̞̝̠̪̙͉͕̰̱͎̜̫͕͖̜͎̼̞̺͉̙̙̰̰͓͖̤̖͈̖̜̱͕̀͆̉̐̇͗̓̕͜͜͜ͅT̶̛̛̛̮̖̟̳̝̮̙̥͙͓͌̀̓̈́͒͆̓̂́̾͐̇̀̾̍̔̊̔̋̃̑́̒͊̈̐̄͋̓͐̐̎̆̀̽̊̃̓̃̆̀̏̽̈́͒͗̽̚̕̕͘͘͘̚̚̕͝͝͝͝ ̸̢̡̡̧̨̧̢̛̛̟͕͚͔͈͈͓̺̰͈͎̪̪͈̹͔̫̙͍̳͓͎̤̳̞̖͓̭͈̲̙̻͚̗͔̺̪̞͍͚̠̺͖̞̳̼̫͇̙̹̻͖̘̞̥̘̰͔̖̪̝͖̼͖̘̞̗̱̹͓̌́͒̀̍̊͊̃̿͛̌́̍͑̓̂̏̀̅̌̎̓̂͌̿̓́̌̑̐̀͂̉͋͗̋͛̐̉͋͋̓̇͛̋̆̒͆͆̋̈́͛̀̊́͊̊̂̐͐͐̒̊̈́́̃̈̏̉̌́́̈́̈́̀̇͛̈́̐̀̔̓͑̄͋̿͂͘̚͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅw̸̡̛̜̦͕̜̤͎͚̬̫̦͇̩̟̣͍͓̑̓̏̊̔͗̑̋͊̽̀̀̀͐̒̾̆͑̀́̓̈͂̀̍̇͐̾̎̑̄̈̑̑́̌̓̂͆̚͘̕͝͝͠͝3̸̡̧̡̧̢̢͚̲̻̭̜̬̦̭͚̳̖̮̳̮͉͚͔̯̘͍̠͉͓̤͍͍̱̖̱̤̫̺̹̺̹̝̻͇̯̦̠̤̝̙͖̥͓͚̯̜͎̥̣̱̘̮̫̺̠̳͍͓͚̠͍̮͙̥̣̗̰͔̤̱̤͓̪̭͕̥̑̀́̓̑̍̄̾̈̒͌̆͗̅͂͗̃̀̄̓͆͐͋̑̉͊̏́̿̔̀͆̈̈́͊̎̿̑̂̕͘̕̕͜͜͠͠ ̶̢̡̨̛̛̪͓̻̦͇̫̭͉̱̫̼̣̘͓̥̙͇͉͍͉̪̪̗͎̦̣̼̞̳̤͚̭̟̯̘̯͉͚̜̞̝̮̱̯̙̹͖̭̗̐̇͗̃̔̄͌̈́͒̀̏̊̓̍͆͒͐̒̾̓͆́̆̐̏͂͊̔͆̿͌̊̇̄̊̊̈́͒̀̀̓͂͌̓̈́͊̉̎̽̂̆͒͗͋̑͆̓̄̀̈́͋̃͆̔̓̃͘͠ͅͅD̴̢̢̡̧̡̢̧̡̢̧̛̛̛̛͓͇̱͕̩̺̤͚̜͙̘̱̲̳͉̤̝̭̞͔͓̱̦̫͕̺͙̙̼̱̞͉̮̱͉͇̖̲̣͉͈̻̻͔̣͕̤̖̰̠͖͕̘̤̻̪͍̩̥̯̀̓́̆̈́̍̄̇̂̆͊̊͒̉͗͊̒͛͌̈́̋͊̆͒̿̔̀̋̎͗̈́̈́̃̑́̒͌̇̄̃́̇̇͌̐͂̊͊̐̀̅̈́̅̓̀̅͒̅̆̀̈̄̂̄̒́̇͘̚̚̚͘͘̚͘̕͜͜͝͝͠͠͝ͅ0̵̡̨̨̢̢̢̧̛̜̩̫͈̘̘̬̹̮͉̞̺̦̥͔̪͈̭̻̗͕̫͍̮͖͍͈̥̭̤̜̖̙̪̙̹̱̳̟̥̠̪̘̠͓͔̜̘̘̘͎̠̞̬͇͎̼̪̩͉̟͓̥̞̔̾̃̔̓̽̆̎́́̽̐̋̊͂̃̔͑̓̐̃̽̿̾̄̂̔̎̊͆̔̈̇̀̋̓̕̕̕̚͜͜͝ͅͅ. There was also no CSS back in ancient Roman times.

Here's my former acquaintances, we made up the First Triumvirate - formed 60 BC

Gnaeus Pompeius
he died. I am, like, totally upset at that, hehe... I made my daughter marry him to strengthen our "bond."
Marcus Licinius Crassus
He died in battle. Kind of sad. I guess.

All together, we did a bunch of stuff to Rome.

About my conquests

HEH! HEH ! H EEEE H! Ever since I moved up the ranks from soldier to military tribune, I have become ruler of Spain in 61 BC through my brilliant charisma on the battlefield that charms men and women alike, freeing the colony from violent warring tribes. That's why I became consul. We as the First Triumvirate have had lots of power and used it to reform the government and reform more land for the poor.
58-52 BC, I figured I could use some more power, so why not just take Gaul while I'm at it, also ridding of tribal wars. During that, I made absolutely sure that the Germans knew not to mess with us, ha ha.

You dare confront me?

I lead that TRa IT OR, [=-= Pompey, into a false sense of security, to meet his doooo0 m. My daughter died in childbirth, and my other child who would have been heir to the Egyptian throne,the one I had with Cleopatra in 42 BC, was instead "beat" to the throne by my non-egyptian grandnephew, tahaha! All I had to do was say I ruled Egypt in martial law, because Egypt was part of the Roman empire….

I did some controversial stuff… not like I care.

O.K., so i'm actually a ghost

surprising news, I know. 60 conspirators plotted to kill me at the Theatre of Pompey, and they succeeded. I guess I was too powerful for my own good. My influence didn't leave though, so in the end it didn't matter. My descendant got my power and wealth, and became the first emperor of the Roman empire.

I think it would be appropriate to end up with a bit of my life before I was in the military. My family believed in the Populares ideologies, and when my father died, it was best for me to earn more money by being a high priest of Jupiter. Until a leader who hated Populares ideologies of siding with the common man came into power, at least. That's why I went to be a soldier. After being a soldier, I was a respected orator. Thank you for visiting my awesom website.


I think… that's God calling for me… goodbye, hell… I'm coming, heaven…